Susie O’Neill’s tips to get skin fit this Christmas

Artisan Ambassador Susie O’Neill is no stranger to the added pressure the festive season puts on your skin. The myriad of events she has on the agenda start with spring racing and don’t end until the after the Australia day long weekend. We asked her to share her top tips to get skin fit this festive season!

I don’t claim to be an expert when it comes to skin, but since becoming an ambassador for Artisan, I have learnt a thing or two from their incredible team of experts about skin-health and wellness. The realisation that a glowing complexion can actually boost your confidence, and for most of us, feeling more confident makes a big difference in your day to day life, especially when you have a busy social calendar! So here are a few things I know will ensure I stay skin fit and keep my complexion glowing, even as the silly season starts to set in.
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Don’t skimp on the sunscreen

 Having spent a lot of time in the sun throughout my swimming career, I am no stranger to the importance of sunscreen. It’s so true that the earlier you start a good sunscreen routine the longer you’ll keep a youthful looking complexion. These days I will never leave the house without applying a good layer of sunscreen; even if I don’t anticipate I’m going to be outdoors. While this really is a must all year round, we know the festive seasons brings with it hot summer months – need I say more?

Artisan experts recommend: Rationale B3-T Tinted Superfluid SPF50 for super lightweight protection, and perfect for daily use.


Keep yourself hydrated

Who doesn’t love indulging in a glass of bubbles at the spring races, or a cocktail on Christmas day? There’s no doubt the festive season brings lots of opportunities to have a drink or two, so it’s important to remember to include some good old H2O – particularly given the heat of the Aussie summer. Ensure you have a moisturising skin routine as well as a high-water intake as water allows your body to flush out toxins and plays an important role in overall skin health. When you don’t drink enough water, not only do you feel sluggish, but your mood can decrease, and your skin can appear sallow and grey. Remember that not all hydration problems can be fixed with topical creams and serums, so water is key to hydrate your skin from the inside out!


Treat yourself to regular facials

What better reason to treat yourself to a bit of self-care then the Christmas holidays! I recently wrote a blog on the importance of taking a bit of ‘me’ time, and I think this is particularly pertinent over the Christmas period. We get so caught up in the social engagements, the gift giving and the excess food and alcohol – it’s easy to forget to take some time out. I make sure I lock in monthly facials well in advance, so I don’t have any excuses when it comes to fitting in a bit of rest and relaxation at my local Artisan clinic. My go-to is a DMK Enzyme Facial, it leaves my skin feeling instantly hydrated and firm.

Artisan experts recommend:  A DMK Enzyme facial is the ultimate pick-me-up for your skin this summer.  It works at a cellular level to flush away toxins, exfoliate dead skin cell build up and encourage your skin to function like it’s twenty so that it appears fresh, bright and firm. Combined with an LED light therapy treatment, it’s the perfect pick for all skin types.


Remember to maintain some balance in your diet  

Christmas food – there isn’t much better! But it’s easy to turn every meal into a treat, and this can not only effect your energy levels, it can also cause your skin to lose some of it’s radiance. While what you’re putting in your body can have an impact on your skin, the great thing about an Aussie Christmas is there are so many awesome fruit and vegetables in season, and there are always salads on offer to go with your BBQ. So just balance out the treats (as if I’d skip the rum balls?) with nutrient rich foods to limit your diet having an impact on how you look and feel.

Want to get your skin Christmas-fit? Book an appointment to make your pre or post-Christmas plan with your local Artisan skin coach, and feel confident into 2020.   

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