Facial Harmony: Treating the Full Face

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When you look in the mirror, it’s natural to focus on the features you’d like to change — whether it’s an age spot, a new wrinkle, or an annoying pimple. While these skin concerns can be addressed with the right skincare and treatments, focusing solely on isolated features can cause you to lose sight of the bigger picture. What others see is not just these imperfections, but your overall beauty.

Facial harmony is an aesthetic concept that emphasises balance across your entire face, neck, and décolletage. It considers symmetry, proportions, features, expressions, and even your unique style. When exploring aesthetic treatments, it’s essential to think holistically — treating not only the specific areas you want to change but also considering the overall harmony of your appearance.


Why Facial Harmony Matters

Facial muscles work in unison, so addressing only one area might create an imbalance. To achieve a natural-looking, harmonious result, it’s essential to assess the entire face, not just the areas you notice in the mirror. Each person’s facial dynamics are unique, and a personalised approach ensures that treatments enhance your natural beauty rather than creating unnatural contrasts.

A common example of where this goes wrong is when someone treats only their forehead to reduce wrinkles. This may or may not be appropriate, and this blog post is not intending to claim that this is not the correct approach for you. However, by treating just the one area, you might overlook the way that other parts of the face contribute to the overall effect. For instance, should the lines between the eyebrows, crow’s feet, or wrinkles around the mouth also be addressed to ensure a more balanced, cohesive result?

This is why it’s so important to create your treatment plan with the help of an experienced clinician who can perform a full-face assessment and recommend the correct treatments and skincare for you.


A Form of Self-Expression

At Artisan, we believe that aesthetic treatments should enhance not just the visible aspects of your face, but also the warmth and personality that make you uniquely you. Achieving facial harmony involves more than just addressing wrinkles or blemishes — it’s about amplifying your natural beauty.


What is a Full-Face Assessment?

A full-face assessment goes beyond simply examining the surface of your skin. It involves evaluating your skin’s health, facial contours, proportions, symmetry and muscle dynamics. This comprehensive approach allows us to recommend treatments that create balanced, natural results.
After taking the time to learn about your aesthetic goals and personal style, we combine this information with decades of combined experience and industry-leading assessment tools. Based on this in-depth analysis, we can suggest a personalised treatment plan that may include a combination of skincare products, skin and laser treatments, and/or cosmetic injectables.


Your Personalised Treatment Plan

Our goal is to enhance your appearance in a way that suits both your appearance and your personality. We work with you to create a bespoke treatment plan that reflects your aesthetic desires while maintaining facial harmony. Whether you’re seeking subtle enhancements or more transformative changes, our full-face assessment ensures that all aspects of your appearance are considered, delivering holistic and balanced results.



Written by Louise Guest RN, Clinical Education and Training (M.Adv.Nurs)