In your early twenties your skin has an abundant collagen supply helping you to maintain a healthy, plump and firm complexion.
With that said, you may still be experiencing the lingering effects of teenage acne with breakouts, congestion or scarring. Too much time in the sun in your younger years may also be starting to show on your face with some pigmentation and dull or uneven skin tone.
As you near 30, you may also start to experience the first signs of ageing. This is because from around the age of 25 your body is no longer in a growing phase, which results in the decline of collagen and elastin production, and the slowing of cell turnover. This can lead to the formation of fine lines to the forehead, the development of frown lines and ‘crows’ feet’, and the beginning of heavier eye bags due to the loss of volume, and tissue laxity.
The way that you take care of your skin in your twenties, will dictate the skin you have in your later decades, so investing now is key to preventing and managing the signs of ageing.